15 June 2010

Jesus Statue Struck by Lightning

I understand that many local residents are very happy this ugly Jesus statue is now gone from the scenery of their daily commute. It was not a good likeness of Jesus, anyway. Jesus was much younger than what the statue appeared to be, and had a far kinder face.

The people who go to this church spent $250,000 on this statue back in 2004. A quarter of a million dollars to advertise their church as belonging to Jesus, via an over-sized off-white Styrofoam atrocity! I would think that if the people were really following Jesus as Jesus demonstrated to do, there would be no need for such folly.

The poor creatures in the water where the statue went down! All that molten Styrofoam descending down upon their happy home like so much non-environmentally-friendly diarrhea!

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